CCTV Headquarters 北京CCTV大楼 - OMA

温柔,张力,现代与传统共存。Gentle, powerful, both modern and traditional.

北京地标CCTV大楼,历经8年建设并于2012年落成,由创始人雷姆·库哈斯主持的荷兰建筑事务所OMA设计。它在设计之初保持城市肌理的同时,与周边胡同、居民区和谐并立,产生强烈的对话,是城市变迁的一种见证,兼具雕塑感和力量感。Completed in 2012 after 8-year construction, the iconic anti-skyscraper CCTV Headquarters in Beijing is a design by OMA Rem Koolhaas. Both sculptureful and strengthful, it kicks off a strong dialogue between the building itself and neighborhood nearby, as a witness of urban change throughout these years.

街上车流不息,当上班族在公园一角趁着空隙闲聊之际,不经意间遥望到对侧的CCTV大楼附楼,日光倾洒在厚重表皮之上,沉稳且斑驳,树叶随风婆娑,内心片刻放松下来,人们轻言细语,忙碌被温柔所填充。In the opposite park, office workers whisper and casually look into CCTV affiliated tower with sunlight pouring on its skin. Calm and joyful, they live a moment of relaxing and gentleness.

即便放在现在,在东三环摩天大厦林立的四周,这座建筑也是不同寻常的存在,它不拼高度,而是以宽度为特色,75米长的悬臂、两座向内倾斜的塔楼犹如两个字母Z,折叠相依构成环形,营造出一整套完整、封闭且互动的三维空间体验,内部功能依次序连续运行,将行政、新闻、广播、演播室和制作室连接,循环往复,富有生机。Even now, this tower is still a standout amongst the skyscrapers group, with emphasis on width other than height. 75-meter cantilever, two leaned towers shaped like letter Z, merge in an interconnected loop that combines the entire process covering TV studios, administration, broadcasting and production offices, rendering three-dimensional experience.